
pədt̕əs – Winter

David Main

Sarah Miller narrates the scenes of winter. Written by Maria Martin. ♪♪♪ Flute Music by Carymichael Williams ♪♪♪. Winter begins on Wednesday, December 21, 2022

2023 dxʷləšucidəladxʷ
2023 Lushootseed Calendar

David Main

The calendar this year focuses on traditional stories. Stories were used as a way to teach. Every person wasn’t expected to take away the same teaching when they heard a story. When they were ready they would hear the appropriate teaching. This calendar will show the art work of Tulalip artists. Below each piece of art you’ll see a QR code that will take you to the story in English and Lushootseed. See what you take away from each story.

Physical calendars are now available at our office, the dxʷdigʷitəgʷəlalʔtxʷ (administration building), dəxʷhəliʔil (heath clinic) and Hibulb.

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