ti syaʔyaʔ – male friendtsi syaʔyaʔ – female friendtsi sɬadəyʔ – womanti stubš – manti stutubš – boytsi sɬaɬədəyʔ – girlti John – Johntsi Jane – Jane
ʔəsčal čəxʷ – How are you?ʔəsčal čəxʷ ti dəgʷiʔ – And how are you?ʔəsčal ti adsyaʔyaʔ – How is your (male) friend?ʔəsčal tsi adsyaʔyaʔ – How is your (female) friend?ʔəsčal ti stubš – How is the man?ʔəsčal tsi sɬadəyʔ – How is the woman?ʔəsčal ti adstutubš – How is your boy?ʔəsčal tsi adsɬaɬədəyʔ- How is your girl?ʔəsčal ti ǰun – How is John?ʔəsčal tsi ǰin – How is Jane?
ʔu… sʔušəbabdxʷ – Oh you poor thingʔu.. day̓ haʔɬ – Oh That’s good.ʔačəda! – Oh my Goodness
Cultural component: ʔi – hello (as in many Native American languages, can also mean “yes”)
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