Wal La Sub – Harry Moses
Wal-La-Sub – Harry Moses

Picture from Annebelle Ashe-Dallaire
Harry Moses was born on November 15, 1878 up the Skagit River Valley in the town of Marblemount. Harry and his wife Jessie had eight children, William Moses, Zatha Moses, Regina Moses Dallaire, Persina H. Moses, Mahcina L. Moses, Rydnillo W. Moses, Anna B. Moses and Arnold C. Moses.
Harry’s father was Will-Ab-To-Chub Charley Moses, who was born in 1853. His mother was Sha-Sha-Bow-Lits-Ah or Mary, she was born in 1852. Jessie’s father was Bon-Quah-am.
The Moses family were heavily involved with their relatives and fellow members of the Shaker church. They lived mainly in the Upper Skagit area, around Marblemount. They spent a good deal of time with the Anderson family. Vi Hilbert in Haboo wrote that her, and her parents, visited quite often because her parents thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company. She wrote, “I loved to listen in. Harry had a wonderful sense of humor, which was well known. He loved to tell stories and his audience knew that they could count on him to embellish the facts, with a twinkle in his eyes. Why, Harry saw the eyes of the woman in the moon, and the fish he caught in the Cascade river behind his house were so big that when he lifted them onto his shoulder, the tails would drag far behind him on the ground.
Harry died on October 24, 1955 in Sedro-Woolley.
Some of the Stories he told were:
How Daylight was Stolen
Flood Story