ʔabsgʷadaʔkʷ ti kʷagʷičəd
The elk has antlers.

ʔal ti sʔəsluʔ ti k̓ʷəčəldiʔ
The rabbit is in the hole.

ʔəsqx̌il ti bəc̓ac
The snake has his eyes open.

ʔəsʔihəl ti sq̓əbyaʔ.
The skunk stinks.

dᶻəgʷaʔ dxʷst̕it̕əb ti sqigʷəc
The deer is a famous swimmer.

dᶻəgʷaʔ dxʷstəlawil ti sbiaw
The coyote is a famous runner.

kʷatač ti swəwaʔ
cougar climbs.

ʔəsʔihəl ti sq̓əbyaʔ.
The skunk stinks.

tatačulbixʷ gʷəl day̓ q̓ič̓
As for the big aminals they are very dear to us.

ƛ̕al̕, bəq̓ič̓ titčulbixʷ
Also the little animals are dear to us.

ʔusaq̓ʷ ti yəx̌ʷəlaʔ
The eagle flies.

ʔəsʔihəl ti sq̓əbyaʔ.
The skunk stinks.