ʔuqʷiʔaacəb dxʷslax̌dxʷ ʔə kʷi bəbuʔs.
kiistub tiʔiɬ t̕aɬigʷs gʷəl cutəb,
xʷak̓ʷisəb čəxʷ ʔə ti bək̓ʷ gʷat.
ƛ̕uhilhilid čəxʷ ti bək̓ʷ gʷat, huy xʷak̓ʷis əlgʷəʔ.”
ƛ̕ubad ti bək̓ gʷat day̓ ʔəsxʷak̓ʷis.

Four witnesses were called.
They stood Rock Cod up and told him,
Everyone is tired of you.
You are always ordering people around, and they are tired of it.”
Everyone agreed. They were really tired of it.

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