ʔal ti datdatu, ɬčil ti bək̓ʷ gʷat ʔdxʷʔal ti pigʷədalʔtxʷ.
dxʷsgʷad ti čəxʷəluʔ. ƛ̕alyitəb ʔə kʷi sʔic̓əb.
cuuc tiʔiɬ t̕aɬigʷs, “ɬugʷədil čəxʷ ʔal tiʔəʔ č̓ƛ̕aʔ ʔal tiʔaʔ.”
ʔəxʷcutəb tiʔiɬ t̕aɬigʷs, “ʔu, ɬuhigʷiltəb čəd.

The next morning everyone went to the longhouse.
Thehead speaker was Grey Whale. He was covered with a blanket.
He told Rock Cod, “You will sit, “on this rock right here.”
Rock Cod thought, “Oh, I am going to be honored.

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