c̓ubc̓ub gʷəl tiʔiɬ ʔiɬmiʔman̓.
huy, hikʷ sʔucuts: “ɬugʷihid čəɬ tiʔiɬ t̕aɬigʷs.
gʷəxʷcutəb, “ʔu, ɬuhigʷiltəb čəd ʔə ti ʔaciɬtalbixʷ.”
hikʷ čəd stubš yəx̌i ƛ̕uhilid čəd ti bək̓ʷ gʷat.”
huy gʷa, ɬugʷəgʷaʔtxʷ čəɬ.”
ƛ̕ubad ti bək̓ʷ gʷat gʷəʔəsʔistəʔəs kʷi ɬushuys.

The littlest one was barnacle.
Then he spoke up: “Let‘s invite this Rock Cod to a gathering.
He will think, “Oh, I am going to honored by the people.
because I such an important person, who tells everyone what to do.”
But no: we will repreimand him.
Everyone agreed that this is how they would handle the situation.

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