Phrases about the Holidays
ʔuʔux̌ʷ čəxʷ ʔu dxʷʔal ti pədkəd spədalikʷ.
Did you go to the pumpkin farm?
ʔuʔux̌ʷ čəɬ dxʷʔal ti sʔəsq̓ʷuʔ ʔal ti ʔiabalʔtxʷ.
We went to the gathering at the Gym.
ʔuʔux̌ʷ čəɬ dxʷʔal ti bək̓ʷ ʔalʔal ʔal ti ʔalʔaltədčəɬ.
We went to all the houses in our neighborhood.
ʔuʔəƛ̕yicid ʔu ti santə ʔal ti pədx̌aʔx̌aʔ.
Did Santa bring you something for Christmas?
ʔuʔabyitəb čəxʷ ʔu ʔə kʷi qah ʔal ti pədx̌aʔx̌aʔ.
Did you get lots for Christmas?
ʔux̌ʷ čəxʷ ʔu dxʷʔal ti pəbkədali.
Are you going to the pumpkin patch?
ʔutagʷyid čəxʷ ʔu ʔə ti Halloween sƛ̕alic̓aʔ ti adbədaʔ.
Did you buy a Halloween costume for your child.
ʔutagʷyid čəxʷ ʔu ʔə ti Halloween sƛ̕alabac ti adbədaʔ.
Did you buy a Halloween costume for your child?
ʔutagʷš cəxʷ ʔu kʷi qʷagʷəb sʔəɬəd.
Did you buy candy?
ʔušudxʷ čəd ti x̌ibəč̓ pišpiš. ʔutəlawil čəd ʔə tə tib.
I saw a black cat. I ran as fast as I could.
ʔulək̓ʷəd čəxʷ ʔu ti sqʷagʷqʷagʷəb.
Did you eat candy?
ʔi. ɬuƛ̕alabacəb čəd ʔə kʷi sɬagʷidic̓aʔ.
Yes. I am wearing a sheet.
ʔi, ɬuskayuʔusəb čəd.
Yes. I’m wearing a ghost mask.
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ čəxʷ ʔu ti pəbkəd.
Do you like pumpkins?
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕tub ʔu ʔə ti adʔiišəd kʷi gʷəsq̓ʷuʔs ʔal ti sʔəst̕igʷidəɬdat.
Does your family want to get together on Thanksgiving Day?
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕tub ʔə tsi dsk̓ʷuy kʷi gʷəsq̓ʷuʔčəɬ ʔal ti ʔalʔals.
My mom wants us to get together at her house.
ʔəst̕iwiɬ ti ʔiišədčəɬ ʔal tiʔəʔ pədx̌aʔx̌aʔ.
Our family is prayerful during this sacred season.
ʔəst̕igʷid čəd ti dʔiišəd.
I am thankful for my family.
ʔəstəɬildxʷ čəxʷ ʔu ʔal ti santə.
Do you believe in Santa?
ʔəslax̌dxʷ ti shuyyitubuɬs.
Remember their sacrifices.
ʔəsǰuʔil čəd.
I am celebrating.
ʔəshaydxʷ čəxʷ ʔu ti tubšadad.
Do you know a Veteran?
ʔal tiʔəʔ x̌aʔx̌aʔəɬdat ti pədšəqil.
Easter is this Sunday.
ʔal tiʔəʔ x̌aʔx̌aʔəɬdat sləx̌il ʔə ti swatixʷtəd.
Earth day is Sunday.
ʔal ti tudukʷəladxʷ, tasx̌əc ti dbədaʔ.
Last year, my son got scared.
ʔal ti tudsč̓ač̓as, tastəɬildxʷ čəd ti sʔahs ʔə ti santə.
I believed in Santa when I was a kid.
ʔal ti pədkʷəxʷic ti yəlaʔcəɬdat ti sləx̌il ʔə ti syayus.
Labor Day is on September 6th .
ʔal ti č̓itabac ti sgʷəcəɬdat ʔə ti x̌aʔx̌aʔ sqaqagʷəɬ ʔal tiʔəʔ sdᶻəlč̓.
The birth of the holy noble child is on Saturday this year.
ʔal diʔabac, ti st̕iwiɬəɬdat.
In Canada it is Thanksgiving.
ʔah ʔu kʷ(i) adsšəɬx̌əčəb.
Did you make a resolution?
ʔah ti sqʷagʷəbaɬəd ʔə ti qah ti dbədbədaʔ.
My kids have a lot of candy.
ʔadᶻalustxʷ čəxʷ ʔu ti adʔalʔal.
Did you decorate your house?
xʷiʔ, ʔuhuyyid čəd ti dbədaʔ ʔə ti Halloween sƛ̕alic̓aʔ.
No, I made my child a Halloween costume.
xʷiʔ, ʔuhuyyid čəd ti dbədaʔ ʔə ti Halloween sƛ̕alic̕aʔ.
No, I made my child a Halloween costume.
xʷiʔ ʔuhuyyid čəd ti dbədaʔ ʔə ti Halloween sƛ̕alabac.
No, I made my child a Halloween costume.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷətusɬalil ʔə ti kuləbbəs.
Columbus didn’t land there.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷəsyayusčəɬ ʔal ti slax̌dxʷəɬdat.
We don't work on Memorial day.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷəɬusyayus ʔal tiʔiɬ sləx̌il.
He should not work on that day.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷadsʔəsx̌əc.
Don't be scared.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷadsbaliic ti tutubtubšədəd. day̓ ʔəsq̓ič̓.
Do not forget our late warriors. They are very important.
x̌əcbid čəxʷ ʔu ti x̌ibəč̓ pišpiš.
Are you afraid of black cats?
x̌əcbid čəxʷ ʔu ti sxʷəyuq̓ʷbixʷ
Are you afraid of witches?
x̌ax̌aʔəɬdat ti pədšəqil.
Easter is Sunday.
tux̌ʷ čəɬ ɬuč̓əɬab ʔə ti hudalikʷ ʔal ti səxʷč̓əɬab.
Let’s just watch the fireworks on TV.
tux̌aʔx̌aʔəɬdatil ti sk̓ʷuyəɬdat.
Mother’s day was on Sunday.
tutagʷš čəd c̓qaysəb tsi dsk̓ʷuy.
I bought my mother some flowers.
ti kuləbbəsəɬdat tiʔəʔ p̓əɬq̓ʷabac.
Monday is Columbus Day.
ti kəpu ti dsx̌aƛ̕, huy ʔuʔabyitəb čəd ʔə kʷi stakəd.
I wanted a coat, but I was given socks.
stab kʷi ɬushuyčəɬ dxʷʔal tiʔəʔ ɬaw̓təladxʷ.
stab kʷi ɬushuyčəɬ dxʷʔal tiʔəʔ ɬaw̓təladxʷ. What are we going to do for New Year’s?
stab kʷi ɬuadsʔuhuy dxʷʔal ti buus ʔə ti pədgʷədbixʷ.
What are you doing for the Fourth of July?
stab kʷi ɬadsuʔuhuy dxʷʔal ti adbad.
What are you doing for your dad?
stab kʷi ɬ(u)adshuy dxʷʔal ti sʔəst̕igʷidaliʔɬəd.
What are you doing for Thanksgiving dinner?
stab kʷi adsʔuhuy ʔal ti sɬax̌il ʔə ti Halloween?
What did you do on Halloween night?
stab kʷi adsʔuhuy ʔal ti sləx̌il ʔə tsi sk̓ʷuy.
What are you doing for Mother's day?
stab kʷi adsʔuhuy ʔal ti pədšəqil.
What are you doing for Easter?
stab kʷi adsʔuhuy dxʷʔal ti sʔəst̕igʷid sləx̌il.
What are you doing for Thanksgiving.
stab kʷi adsʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ dxʷʔal ti pədx̌aʔxǎʔ.
What do you want for Christmas?
pədtab kʷi pədšəqil.
When is Easter?
ƛ̕ux̌əčəd čəɬ ʔi ti dbədaʔ tul̕ ʔal ʔulub dxʷʔal p̓aƛ̕aƛ̕ ʔal ti t̕aq̓t̕ sɬax̌il.
My son and I count down from 10 to zero at midnight.
ƛ̕uq̓ʷuʔ čəɬ ʔal ti ʔalʔal ʔə tsi dkayə.
We usually get together at my Grandma’s house.
ƛ̕uq̓ʷəld čəɬ ti tul̕ č̓aʔkʷ sʔəɬəd čəɬa ƛ̕uhudud ti shudalusalikʷ.
We BBQ seafood and then we light fireworks.
ƛ̕uƛ̕a čəɬ x̌ičəc t̕iwiɬalʔtxʷ.
We go to the Red Church.
ƛ̕uƛ̕a čəɬ dxʷsč̓ədəbalʔtxʷ.
We go to the Shaker Church.
ƛ̕uƛ̕a čələp ʔu t̕iwiɬalʔtxʷ ʔal ti pədx̌aʔx̌aʔ
Do you go to church on Christmas?
ƛ̕ulax̌dxʷ čəɬ ti tutubšədəʔčəɬ tux̌ilix̌ gʷəl šəbali dxʷʔal dibəɬ.
We always remember our warriors, who fought and died for us.
ƛ̕udxʷčad čələp ʔal ti pədx̌aʔx̌aʔ.
Where do you folks usually go on Christmas?
ƛ̕asq̓ʷuʔ ti ʔiišədčəɬ ʔal ti dadatu ʔə ti x̌aʔx̌aʔ sgʷəcəɬdat.
On Christmas morning our family gets together.
ƛ̕asq̓ʷuʔ ti ʔaciɬtalbixʷ ʔal ti bək̓ʷ tubtubšadadəɬdat.
People usually gather every Veteran’s Day.
ƛ̕al ɬubəʔabyid čəd ʔə ti c̓qaysəb.
I will also give her some flowers.
ƛ̕al̕ gʷəbəhaʔɬ dxʷʔal dəgʷi.
May it also be good for you.
ɬuʔux̌ʷ čəxʷ ʔu dxʷʔal ti sʔəsx̌əčalʔtxʷ.
Are you going to go to a haunted house?
ɬuʔux̌ʷ čəxʷ ʔu dxʷʔal ti sʔəsq̓ʷuʔ ʔal ti tubtubšadadəɬdat.
Are you going to a Veteran’s Day gathering?
ɬuʔux̌ʷ čəɬ dxʷʔal ti ʔiabalʔtxʷ dxʷʔal ti sʔəst̕igʷidaliɬəd.
We are going to the Gym for Thanksgiving dinner.
ɬuʔabyid čəd tsi dbədaʔ ʔə ti __________. (Item wanted can be placed in blank.)
I am giving my daughter a __________. (Item wanted can be placed in blank.)
ɬuʔabyid čəd ti dbədaʔ ʔə ti ___________. (Item wanted can be placed in blank.)
I am giving my son a _______________. (Item wanted can be placed in blank.)
ɬutagʷyid čəd tsi dsk̓ʷuy ʔə kʷi c̓qaysəb.
I will buy my mother some flowers.
ɬutagʷyid čəd tsi dkayə ʔə kʷi c̓qaysəb.
I will buy my grandmother some flowers.
ɬutagʷš čəd kʷi sqʷagʷəbaɬəd.
I need to buy Halloween candy.
ɬuq̓ʷuʔ čəɬ ʔi ti dʔiišəd ʔal ti dʔalʔal.
My family and I are gathering at my house.
ɬuƛ̕atxʷ čəd x̌acbid tsi dsk̓ʷuy.
I am going to take my mother to lunch.
ɬuƛ̕a ʔalʔal ʔə tsi sk̓ʷuyčəɬ ti bək̓ʷ dʔiišəd.
All of my family is going to our mother’s house.
ɬuƛ̕a čəɬ ʔalʔal ʔə tsi dsk̓ʷuy.
We are going to my mother’s house.
ɬuƛ̕a čəd ʔalʔal ʔə ti dbad ʔi tsi dsk̓ʷuy dxʷʔal kʷi gʷədsʔəɬəd, dxʷʔal kʷi gʷədsčəɬab ʔə ti hudalusalikʷ.
I'm going to my parent's house to eat and watch fireworks.
ɬuɬčil čəɬ dxʷʔal ti saliʔačiʔ sbək̓ʷačiʔ ʔi ti ʔulub ʔi ti č̓uʔ.
It is going to be 2011.
ɬukʷukʷcutyid čəɬ. ɬashiiɬtxʷ, xʷiʔ kʷi gʷəɬusyayuss ʔal tiʔiɬ sləx̌il.
He should not work on that day.
ɬukʷukʷcutyid čəɬ. ɬashiiɬtxʷ ʔu gʷəl ɬasx̌əɬtxʷ ʔu.
Let’s cook for him. Would that make him happy or sick?
ɬukʷaʔəd čəd ti sbadəš.
I’m going to give up smoking.
ɬuǰuʔil čələp ʔu ʔi ti adʔiišəd ʔal ti sbuusəɬdat ʔə ti pədgʷədbixʷ.
Will you and your family celebrate 4th of July?
ɬugʷabid čəxʷ ʔu t(i) adbədbədaʔ ʔal ti skayuʔəɬdat.
Are you going out with your kids on Halloween?
ɬixʷəɬdat ti tubtubšadadəɬdat.
Wednesday is Veterans Day.
k̓ʷid kʷi pədkəd kʷi adsuləx̌əd.
How many pumpkins did you get?
hik̓ʷtxʷ čəɬ ti bək̓ʷ tubšədəʔčəɬ.
We respect our warriors.
haʔɬ sləx̌il ʔə ti badbad.
Happy Father’s Day
haʔɬ sgʷəcəɬdat.
Happy Birthday
haʔɬ pədx̌aʔx̌aʔ.
Merry Christmas.
haʔɬ čəxʷ ʔu stutubš / sɬaɬədəyʔ.
Have you been a good boy/girl?
gʷəhaʔɬ dxʷʔal dəgʷi ti ɬaw̓t sǰəlc̓.
May the New Year be a good one for you.
cəlacəɬdatil ti tubtubšadadəɬdat.
Friday is Veterans Day.
cəlacəɬdat tiʔəʔ sɬax̌il ʔə ti sləgʷəb.
Friday is Teen night.
čad kʷi dəxʷʔux̌ʷləp ʔal ti skayuʔəɬdat.
Where did you guys go on Halloween?