
ʔuhuyəxʷ x̌ədid ʔə ti sləx̌
Daylight savings time ends

David Sienko Main

Daylight savings time ends  – ʔuhuəxʷ x̌ədid ʔə ti sləx̌    (finished saving of the light)

Clock –  ʔaləxʷk̓ʷid – (device for what time)

Move clock forward – pədyəhaw̓ – (Time to proceed)

Move Clock back – pədbəlkʷ (Time to turn back clock)

Smoke detector – səxʷƛ̕aʔapəq̓ʷ (Device to alert there’s smoke)

Battery – səxʷkacacutulč  (device for lightning (electricity) container)

pədʔuladxʷ – Fall

David Main

ʔal tiʔəʔ scəlacəɬdatil, saliʔačiʔ ʔi kʷi saliʔ ʔə ti pədkʷəxʷic. On this day, the 22nd of September. The fall equinox starts at 11:50pm.

3 Lushootseed Phrases
The Tulalip Challenge

Brian Berry Main Tags: , , ,

The Tulalip Lushootseed Dept. challenges Tribal citizens and employees to start using these three (3) simple Lushootseed phrases, instead of the English ones.

We can do this!

Click on image to download a printable copy 8.5″ x 11″

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