
Mini-Health Fair at TELA

David Main

The Tulalip Lushootseed Department participated in a Mini- Health Fair at the Tulalip Early Learning Academy on Thursday, March 21, 2024. The Lushootseed Department was handing out lip salve, and a healing salve made with bees wax and Calendula. Samples of Stinging nettle pasta and Nettle butter were being snapped up. The children at TELA in Lushootseed class were experiencing the joy of the spring’s first harvest. Posters, with prayers and various booklets were available.

The Tulalip Fire Department was on hand to discuss car seat safety. Other departments including the the Tulalip Health and Dental Clinics. Family Haven, Tulalip Police Department, Tulalip WIC, Tulalip SNAP, Tulalip Emergency Preparedness, Enrollment, Mental Health Services and the Policy council and Parent Committee.

Smarter than a 5 yr old?

Brian Berry Main

Having a little fun

If she can do it, we can do it!

The Tulalip Lushootseed Dept. challenges Tribal citizens and employees to start using these three (3) simple Lushootseed phrases, instead of the English ones.

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