Natosha Gobin

Natosha Gobin tsi dsdaʔ. sduhubš čəd ʔi sdukʷalbixʷ ʔi puyaləpabš ʔi saʔkʷbixʷ ʔi suyaƛ̕bixʷ. tul̕ʔal čəd dxʷlilap. Gobin/Young ti badaligʷəd dʔiišəd. Hill/Price ti sk̓ʷuyaligʷəd dʔiišəd. Joseph Gobin ti badaligʷəd dsč̓abiq̓ʷ. Cecilia “Celum” Young tsi badaligʷəd dsč̓abiq̓ʷ. Bernie kia-kia Gobin ti badaligʷəd dscapa. Delores Young Gobin tsi badaligʷəd dkayə. Steve Gobin ti dbad. William “Bill” Price ti sk̓ʷuyaligʷəd dsč̓abiq̓ʷ. Elsie Mae Joseph Price tsi sk̓ʷuyaligʷəd dsč̓abiq̓ʷ. Charles Hill ti sk̓ʷuyaligʷəd dscapa. Della ɬalulic̓aʔ Price Hill tsi sk̓ʷuyaligʷəd dkayə. Candy ɬalulic̓aʔ Hill tsi dsk̓ʷuy. absbədbədaʔ čəd ʔə kʷi cələlac. dxʷsčəwatil čəd čəda dxʷsʔugʷusalikʷ.
“Motivation for my work comes from many different people, but four special people in particular. Although they all have passed, I am still motivated by their encouraging words, and the work they had done to keep our language alive. My grandpa Bernie kia–kia (kay̓kay̓) had encouraging words every time that I would see him. He let me know how proud he is of me and what I do~ and that still means everything to me.
My Grandma Elsie Mae Price took part in passing the language on to her family and community members, work that I have now experienced and have great respect for. Jerry dxʷsq̓ius Jones always let us teachers know how important we were to him and our community. He let us know that no matter how hard it may be to continue our work and get the language into every home and at every event, we were meant to do the work. Every morning he would give us praise, and every morning it meant the world to us to hear his words. Te-at-mus was always by our side, preaching to the community of our hard work. He attended every language camp and had his special time with the children during circle to work on traditional teachings.”
Natosha Gobin
Language Teacher 1A
ngobin @
(360) 716-4499
ɬaw̓t syəcəb – Latest Posts
- Lesson-30: Traditional Items
- Lesson-29: Past Actions
- Lesson-28: Family-3
- Lesson-27: Animals-2
- Lesson-26: Animals-1
- Lesson-25: Household Items
- Lesson-24: Family-2
- Lesson-23: Family-1
- Lesson-22: Clothes-2
- Lesson-21: Health and Sickness
- Lesson-20: Days of the Week
- Lesson-19: Place in the City
- Lesson-18: Body Parts -1
- Lesson-17: sƛ̕alalic̓aʔ-1 (Clothes-1)
- Lesson-16: Classroom Objects
- Lesson-15: x̌iʔx̌isdaʔ – (colors)
- Lesson-14: (Personality Traits-1)
- Lesson-13: (Physical descriptions-1)
- Lesson-12: (States of Being)
- Lesson-11: Places to go
- Lesson-10: Weather
- Lesson-9: Drinks
- Lesson-8: Having a meal
- Lesson-7: sʔəɬəd-2 (Food-2)
- Lesson-6: sʔəɬəd-1 (Food-1)
- Lesson-5: ʔaləxʷ k̓ʷid (What time is it)
- Lesson-4: sx̌əčtəd (Numbers)
- Lesson-3: Action Verbs
- Lesson-2: Nouns and Articles
- Lesson-1: ʔi čəxʷ / Hello