
cultural events 8th Annual Lushootseed Language Conference

8th Annual Lushootseed Language Conference

April 29, 2017

dxʷʔal syayayaʔ
Dear friends and relatives,

haʔɫ sləx̌il. ʔəsčal čələp. ʔəsx̌id čələp. ʔəsƛ̓ubil čəd.
Good day. How are you folks? I am fine.
Please join us this Saturday, April 29th -- We have an exciting program including; Swinomish elder, Faye Bates, Roger Fernandes, Zalmai "ʔəswəli" Zahir, and presenters from Puyallup, Sauk, Tulalip and more! - Our theme this year is:
"ʔucəɫdalbtxʷ čəɫ ti syəyəhub: Breathing life into the stories"
What: 8th Annual Lushootseed Language Conference!
When: Saturday, April 29th, 9:00 - 5:00 (registration opens at 8:30)
Where: Seattle University, Lemieux Library, the Boeing Conference Room
Cost: $40 general, $20 students/elders

Includes: Conference, free parking, morning refreshments and light lunch

Three ways to Register:
1. Contact Christina Grendon at NWIC to pre-register, [email protected]., or
2. Website, go to Support Us tab, select Donate, by Paypal or debit/credit card, then under "add special instructions" write Register and your name.
3. Pay at the door by cash or check. (sorry we're not able to accept debit/credit cards yet)

Invitation Request: Lushootseed Research is going to publish a compilation of original Lushootseed stories.
We are inviting all Lushootseed students and teachers to create a short story or poem in Lushootseed (limited to one page, typed 12 font). Please include a separate English translation. You're welcome to include an illustration. Original stories may be submitted in advance, or a hard copy may be brought to the conference.

haʔɫ kʷi adsəslabcubut. haʔɫ kʷi adsəsšuucebut.
ɫulabdubicid čəɫ. ɫušudubicid čəɫ.
Take care. Look after yourself well. We look forward to seeing you.
Jill La Pointe, Director
Lushootseed Research
(360) 770-3993

Seattle Univ. Lemieux Library, the Boeing Conference Room
901 12th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122

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