hududil ti hudali. — Preheat the stove.
bəčad ti xʷƛ̕alap ʔal ti hudali. — Put the pot on the stove.
k̓ʷəɬəd ti qʷuʔ ʔal ti xʷƛ̕alap. — Pour water into the pot.
k̓ʷəɬəd kʷi ƛ̕aɬəb ʔal ti qʷuʔ. — Pour some salt into the water.
ɬuq̓ʷud kʷi spiqʷuc. — Peel the potatoes.
ɬič̓id kʷi spiqʷuc. — Slice the potatoes.
dəgʷad kʷi spiqʷuc ʔal ti xʷƛ̕alap. — Put the potatoes in the pot.
ʔuqʷalctxʷ ʔə kʷi spiqʷuc. — Boil some potatoes.
k̓ʷəɬəd ti qʷuʔ, ʔal ti sʔpil spiqʷuc. — Pour the water out when the potatoes are soft.
biƛ̕id ti spiqʷuc gʷəl bəčad ʔal kʷi bətə ʔi kʷi sqəbuʔ. — Mash up the potatoes and put in some butter and some milk.
ɬač̓ad ti hud. — Turn off the heat.
cilid ti spiqʷuc. — Serve the mashed potatoes.

kʷukʷcut — Mash Potatoes — PDF