Kylee Sohappy

ʔi čəxʷ syəyaʔyaʔ, Kylee Sohappy tsi dsdaʔ. tul̕ʔal čəd dxʷlilap. ɬixʷ tsi dbədbədaʔ ʔəsqʷuʔ ʔə ti dlil̕gʷəb. Nora-Ivory Haws tsi dbədaʔ. Sage Haws tsi dbedaʔ. Hudson Haws ti dbedaʔ. Sonia Sohappy tsi dsk̓ʷuy. tul̕ʔal dxʷlilap. George Sohappy ti dbad. tul̕ʔal c̓awqs. Candy Hill tsi sk̓ʷuyaligʷəd dkayə. Steve Gobin ti sk̓ʷuyaligʷəd dscapaʔ. Della Rose Hill ʔi Charles Hill ti sk̓ʷuyaligʷəd tudsčabiqʷ. Toby Jones tsi badaligʷəd dkayə. Richard Jones ti badaligʷəd dscapaʔ.
Hi friends,
My Name is Kylee Sohappy. I am from Tulalip. I have 2 daughters and a son with my boyfriend John. My daughters are Nora-Ivory & Sage Haws. My son is Hudson Haws. My parents are Sonia & George Sohappy. My mom is from Tulalip and my dad is from Yakima. Candy Hill & Steve Gobin are my grandparents on my mom’s side. Della Rose & Charles Hill are my great grandparents on my mom’s side. Toby & Richard Jones are my grandparents on my dad’s side.
I grew up watching my mom talking in Lushootseed and around the Lushootseed department. Growing up I would always attend the Lushootseed family nights with her to learn more of the language. In high school I took an interest in my culture. I decided to take the Lushootseed 101 & 102 course. I learned that the language came as naturally to me as it did to my mom. I also grew up with two siblings who were 10 years younger than me that made me realize how much I love kids. After seeing how naturally the language came to me and my love for kids I just knew this was the place for me to find a career that I would enjoy going to every day.
Kylee Sohappy
Language Teacher Assistant
ksohappy @
(360) 716-4493