Kitchen Phrases
ʔuʔəɬəd čəd ʔə kʷi xʷiʔ ləhaʔɬ.
I ate some bad food.
ʔuʔəɬəd čəd ʔə kʷi stəgʷad.
I ate some salmon berries.
ʔukʷukʷcut ti spiqʷuc.
The potatoes are cooking.
ʔukʷukʷcut čəd.
I am cooking.
ʔuhuyudəxʷ čəd kʷi ʔəsq̓ʷuʔtxʷ səpləl.
I have made a sandwich.
ʔuhaʔlid čəd.
I am cleaning.
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ čəd ti stəgʷad.
I like salmonberries.
ʔəsxaƛ̕txʷ čəd ti sqigʷəcaɬc̓iʔ ʔi ti sc̓ədᶻx̌ sɬub.
I like deer meat and nettle soup.
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ čəd kʷi č̓awəyʔaɬəd ʔi ti bətə.
I like prawns and butter.
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕tub kʷi bəsqʷ ʔə tsi dsk̓ʷuy.
My mother likes crab.
ʔah ʔu kʷi tibu dxʷʔal səsaʔliʔ.
Do you have a table for two people?
ʔah ʔu kʷi ləli cəq̓disbəd.
Is there another fork?
yaƛ̕alikʷ čəd ʔal ti ʔəsbiƛ̕txʷ sq̓ʷəlaɬəd.
I dip it into the berry jelly.
yaƛ̕alikʷ čəd ʔal ti sx̌ʷəs ʔə ti q̓ap̓ux̌ʷ.
I dip it into the peanut butter.
x̌ʷul̕ čəɬ tuʔah ʔal ʔalʔal čəɬa tuʔukʷukʷ.
We just stayed home and played.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷəsʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ kʷi gʷədshaʔlid ti dʔalʔal.
I don’t want to clean my house.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷəsʔəsx̌aƛ̕tub ʔə tsi dsuq̓ʷaʔ kʷi spəqʷuc.
My little sister doesn’t like potatoes.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷəsʔəsx̌aƛ̕tub ʔə ti dsqʷəbayʔ kʷi šəgʷaq.
My dog doesn’t like carrots.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷəsʔəsx̌aƛ̕tub ʔə ti dsqa kʷi sgʷəlub.
My older brother doesn’t like turkey.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷəskʷukʷcutyics ti dbədbədaʔ.
My kids won't cook for me.
stab kʷi ɬusʔəɬədčəɬ dxʷʔal sɬax̌sʔəɬəd.
What is for dinner?
stab kʷi adx̌aƛ̕ dxʷʔal sʔəɬəd.
What do you want to eat?
pədtab kʷi gʷadsʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ ti tibu.
When do you want a table?
paq̓ad čəd ʔal ti ləliʔ ʔəsɬič̓txʷ səpləl.
I spread it onto the other slice of bread.
paq̓ad čəd ʔal ti č̓uʔ ʔəsɬič̓txʷ səpləl.
I spread it onto one slice of bread.
ƛ̕uq̓ʷəld čəɬ ti tul̕ č̓aʔkʷ sʔəɬəd čəɬa ƛ̕uhudud ti shudalusalikʷ.
We BBQ seafood and then we light fireworks.
ƛ̕uhaʔɬ ti sʔəɬəd ʔə tsi sk̓ʷuyčəɬ.
Our mother’s food is always good.
ɬuʔəɬəd čəd.
I am going to eat.
ɬuq̓ʷud čəd ti spiqʷuc.
I peel the potato.
ɬuq̓ʷəld čəd ti sgʷəlub.
I am roasting the turkey.
ɬukʷukʷcutyid čəɬ. ɬashiiɬtxʷ ʔu gʷəl ɬasx̌əɬtxʷ ʔu.
Let’s cook for him. Would that make him happy or sick?
ɬukʷukʷcut čəxʷ ʔu.
Are you cooking?
ɬukʷukʷcut čəd dxʷʔal ti dbad
I am going to cook for my dad.
ɬukʷaxʷad čəd ʔal ti kʷukʷcutali.
I am going to help in the kitchen.
ɬič̓id čəd ti spiqʷuc.
I cut up the potato.
ɬaʔx̌ tiʔəʔ. ɬaʔx̌.
This is a plate.
ɬapqs tiʔəʔ. ɬapqs.
This is a serving spoon.
k̓ʷəɬəd čəd ti sx̌ʷəs.
I pour the oil.
k̓ʷəɬad. k̓ʷəɬad.
Pour something. Pour something.
k̓ʷəɬad čəd ti kupi.
I pour the coffee.
kʷədad čəd ti spiqʷuc.
I pick up the potato.
kʷədad čəd ti sduukʷ.
I take a knife.
kʷədad čəd ti ɬaʔx̌ ʔi ti ɬapqs čəda cilid ti čaydi sʔəɬəd.
I pick up the plate and the spoon and I dish up the Chinese food.
kʷədad čəd ti ləliʔ ʔəsɬič̓txʷ səpləl.
I pick up the other slice of bread.
kʷədad čəd ti č̓uʔ ʔəsɬič̓txʷ səpləl.
I pick up one slice of bread.
kupi tiʔəʔ. kupi
This is coffee.
huy, qah ti sʔax̌ʷuʔs.
Then she got lots of clams.
hudud čəd ti səxʷc̓ix̌alikʷ.
I warm the frying pan.
haʔɬ ti c̓ək̓apaʔqʷuʔ.
Rose hip tea is good.
haʔɬ ti bəsqʷ sɬub.
The crab soup is good.
haʔlid čəd ti sduukʷ.
I clean my knife.
gʷəʔabyic čəxʷ ʔə kʷi _______.
Hand me the ______.
gʷəkʷukʷcut čəxʷ ʔə kʷi _________.
Please cook ______.
day̓ ʔəsx̌aƛ̕tub kʷi sʔax̌ʷuʔ ʔə tsi dsk̓ʷuyʔ.
My mother really likes clams.
day̓ hikʷ ti stəgʷad.
The salmonberries are very big.
day̓ haʔɬaləqəp tiʔiɬ spiqʷuc.
Thoses potatoes really smell good.
day̓ haʔɬ. ɬucilid čəd ʔu.
Very good. Can I dish up?
cilid čəd ti ʔəsc̓ix̌ spiqʷuc.
I dish up the fried potatoes.
cəq̓disbəd tiʔəʔ. cəq̓disbəd.
This is a fork.
Wash the dishes.
čaydi sʔəɬəd tiʔəʔ. čaydi sʔəɬəd.
This is Chinese food.
bəčad čəd ti spiqʷuc dxʷʔal ti səxʷc̓ix̌alikʷ.
I put the potatoes in the frying pan.
bəčad čəd ti səxʷc̓ix̌alikʷ ʔal ti hudali.
I put the frying pan on the stove.