bəčad ti səxʷc̓ix̌alikʷ ʔal ti hudali. — Put the frying pan on the stove.
hududil ti səxʷc̓ix̌alikʷ. — Warm the frying pan.
k̓ʷəɬəd ti sx̌ʷəs ʔal ti səxʷc̓ix̌alikʷ . — Pour the oil into the frying pan.
ʔəsčəx̌ kʷi ɬixʷ ʔəʔus ʔal ti č̓awəyulč. — Crack three eggs into a bowl.
k̓ʷəɬəd ti šukʷə ʔi kʷi sqəbuʔ. — Pour some sugar and some milk.
q̓ʷuʔgʷəsəd ti bək̓ʷ stab. — Mix it all up.
c̓ibid ti č̓uʔ ʔəsɬič̓txʷ səpləl ʔal ti č̓awəyulč. — Dip one slice of bread into the bowl.
c̓əbɬiltxʷ ti səpləl. — Make sure the bread is drenched.
bəčad ti səpləl ʔal ti səxʷc̓ix̌alikʷ. — Put the bread into the frying pan.
x̌ək̓ʷud ti səpləl, ʔal ti pədixʷalusil. — When the bread turns brown, flip the bread.
cilid ti səpləl, ʔal ti shuys. — Serve the French toast when it is done.
ɬač̓ad ti hud. — Turn off the heat.

kʷukʷcut — French Toast — PDF