Family Activity – Longhouse
the future.
Elder Visit
Longhouse Unit
This unit will show you many things about our traditional homes, the Longhouse.
gʷəyəhubtubuɬəd čəxʷ ʔu - Can you tell us a story?
stabaɬ kʷi syəhub - What kind of story?
gʷələlal̕x̌tubicid čəɬ ʔu - Can we record you?
pigʷədalʔtxʷ - Longhouse
ʔalʔal - House
dəqʷaləd - House Post
syəhub - Story
ləlal̕x̌txʷ - Memorize/record
Activity Instructions
• Go dᶻəlaxǎdbid (visit) a luƛ̕təd (Elder), it can be a family luƛ̕təd (Elder) or a community luƛ̕təd (Elder).
• Meeting a luƛ̕təd (Elder) can be done at your ʔalʔal (home), their ʔalʔal (home), or in a different space entirely.
• gʷəwiliqʷ̓ (Politely ask) them to share a syəhub (story) or even discuss their day.
• If you wanted to ləlal̕xťxʷ (record) the luƛ̕təd (Elder) sharing their syəhub (story), be sure to ask beforehand since many ʔaciɬtalbixʷ (people) can feel uneasy/upset at being ləlal̕xťxʷ (recorded).
• Since many ʔaciɬtalbixʷ (people) have access to səxʷqʷiʔaac (phone), most anyone can ləlal̕x̌txʷ (record) by themselves but if you want a higher quality sləlal̕x̌txʷ (recording), ask the Language Department for help.
• Family and intergenerational learning
Outside activities, while fun, can often be overstimulating for some people, make sure to bring all the things your family will need for an outing.
•Local Place Connections
This activity will have families exploring or visiting different locations around Tulalip, building a personal relationship with the area like so many before us. Appreciating Tulalip as our home will help in building knowledge, connections, and pride in our home.
• huyadadčəɫ:
Visits to these places can boost mental health, traditional awareness, and pride so travelling to such places on a regular basis will see positive results.
Longhouse Unit
Our Winter Unit covers the changes the weather undergoes for the season, what animals are active or important, and how stories were traditionally told during this time.
čad kʷi dəxʷʔahčəɬ - Where are we?
ʔal ti ___čəɬ - We are in ___
ʔəsčal kʷi adsdᶻəlax̌adbid - How was your visit?
day̓ haʔɬ - Very Good!
q̓il̕bidali - Canoe Hall
pigʷədalʔtxʷali - Longhouse Hall
suladali - Main Hall
pigʷədalʔtxʷ - Longhouse
ʔalʔal - House
dəqʷaləd - House Post
q̓il̕bid - Canoe/Car
x̌payʔac - Cedar Tree
sʔayilalʔtxʷ - Museum
Activity Instructions
• This activity will take you to sʔayilalʔtxʷ ʔə ti hibulb (Hibulb Museum).
Tulalip Tribal members get in free with
Tribal ID, other Tribal IDs don’t qualify.
(Children) get in paƛ̕aƛ̕
Check the website for interesting activities at Hibulb.
• Once you go inside, there are many exhibits to find and see, the sʔayilalʔtxʷ
(museum) is a self-guided tour so ʔihišəd
(families) can explore on their own.
• Make sure to dᶻəlax̌adbid
(visit) the qi̓l̕bidali
(Canoe Hall), suladali
(Main Gallery), pigʷədalʔtxʷ
(Longhouse) hall and the ever-changing temporary exhibit hall.
• In the pigʷədalʔtxʷali
(Longhouse Hall), does it look like a modern ʔalʔal
(house) at all? stab kʷi ɬudiɬdiɬgʷas gʷəl stab kʷi ɬuləliʔ
(What would look the same and what would be different?).
• Take this time to share any experience your family has had in longhouses.
Family and intergenerational learning
The Hibulb Museum has learning opportunities for people of all ages.
Local Place Connections
This activity is important for the people so they can all go to Hibulb and be able to learn more about their own people and our longhouse lifeways, an experience that many were denied over the years.
This activity can remind and connect us to our past cultural heritage while showing us how far we’ve come.
Local areas of interest
Longhouse Unit
This unit will
show you many things about our traditional homes, the Longhouse.
stab čəxʷ ʔəsšudxʷ - What do you see?
ʔəsšudxʷ čəd ti ______ - I see ________
ʔal tudiʔ tuhaʔkʷ - A long time ago
stab kʷi diɬdiɬgʷas - What is the same?
stab kʷi ləliʔ - What is different?
pigʷədalʔtxʷ - Longhouse
ʔalʔal - House
dəqʷaləd - House Post
syəhub - Story
Activity Instructions
This activity will require ʔihišəd (families) to travel to ləliʔ (different) locations.
• Choices of locations are up to ʔihišəd
(families) but important locations are: KMB (Kenny Moses Building), pigʷədalʔtxʷ
(Longhouse), sʔayilalʔtxʷ ʔə ti hibulb
(Hibulb Museum) are a few important places.
• Once you choose a place, share what you or your ʔiišəd
(family) knows about the location like q̓ič
(important) events that happen there or experiences you have had. ʔulələl̕alx̌
(reminisce) on other moments in these locations.
• Afterwards, explore where you can, around the area and search for other close locations in the area that you have experiences with.
• Many of these places are open and have lots of space, so letting wiw̓suʔ
(kids) təlawil
(run) around and explore by themselves will be an enriching experience to help them build their own memories in these places.
• While visitors cannot enter the pigʷədalʔtxʷ
(Longhouse) without prior authorization, have your ʔiišəd
(family) imagine living in this č̓uʔ
(1) pigʷədalʔtxʷ (Longhouse) with all their suq̓ʷsuq̓ʷaʔ/dxʷsqaʔtəd
(younger/older - siblings/cousins), ʔəpus
(aunts), qəsiʔ
(uncles). Is this pigʷədalʔtxʷ (Longhouse) big enough or would you need to have a pigʷədalʔtxʷ
(Longhouse) that stretches even longer?
Family and intergenerational learning
Outside activities, while fun, can often be overstimulating for some people, make sure to bring all the things your family will need for an outing.
Local Place Connections
This activity will have families exploring or visiting different locations around Tulalip, building a personal relationship with the area like so many before us. Appreciating Tulalip as our home will help in building knowledge, connections, and pride in our home.
Visits to these places can boost mental health, traditional awareness, and pride so travelling to such places on a regular basis will see positive results.