In this unit children become familiar with the lands and waters of Tulalip and build their identity within Tulalip.
pədʔuladxʷ – Fall
In this unit families will recognize the difference between the seasons and consider fall activities in Tulalip.
x̌payʔac – Cedar
The goal of this unit is to learn about the healing, protective and medicinal properties of cedar.
Hunting and Feasting
Hunting and feasting explores how our ancestors hunted for game and preserved food for the long winters.
pədt̕əs – Winter
Our Winter Unit covers the changes the weather undergoes for the season, & how stories were traditionally told.
This unit will show you many things about our traditional homes, the Longhouse.
syəhubtxʷ – Storytelling
The Storytelling unit covers the traditional art of storytelling, learning about traditional storytellers and the stories they shared with the people.
Traditional Foods and Healing
Traditional Foods and Healing explores different plants that have been essential to the survival of our ancestors and people today.
ʔuhihədəb – Spring
Families will identify weather patterns and cultural activities that occur in the spring and why they are important to the Tulalip people.
Fish & Shellfish Lifecycle
Families will explore fish and shellfish habitats and harvesting practices.
First Salmon Ceremony
Families (ʔiišəd) will discuss why we have a First Salmon Ceremony (sʔəsq̓ʷuʔ ʔə ti hikʷ siʔab yubəč) and prepare to participate in the event.
pədhədəb -Summer
The goal of the summer unit is to teach families about the importance of seasonal activities and harvesting.
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