Command Phrases
ʔi, waw̓əxʷ čəxʷ.
Yes. Help yourself.
Change your clothes.
x̌ʷubiləxʷ – xʷiʔ kʷi gʷadsqʷiʔad.
Be quiet now, no yelling.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷadspusildxʷ ti adst̕ək̓ʷabšəd.
Don't throw your shoe.
Close the _________. Turn off the ____.
qʷibid ti adsɬagʷid.
Make your bed.
ƛ̕uɬiltəb ʔə kʷi qah tul̕ čaʔkʷ sʔəɬəd. ƛ̕uʔukʷukʷ ti wiw̓suʔ gʷəl ƛ̕uǰiq̓aladᶻəd ti ʔaciɬtalbixʷ.
There is lots of food for everyone. The kids play games and there is beach seining.
ƛ̕əlačiʔb čəxʷ.
Keep your hands to yourself.
kʷədadəxʷ ti adst̕ək̓ʷabšəd.
Pick up your shoe.
huy, ɬuʔitut čəxʷ.
Then you need to sleep.
Clean up.
gʷəʔabyic čəxʷ ʔə kʷi _______.
Hand me the ______.
Get in the shower.
gʷəkʷukʷcut čəxʷ ʔə kʷi _________.
Please cook ______.
gʷəkiis čəxʷ.
Standup please.
gʷəgʷədil čəxʷ.
Sit down please.
gʷədil. xʷiʔ gʷadsʔəsx̌ik̓ʷəb.
Sit down. Don't be shy.
Wash the dishes.