Ceremony Phrases
ʔuʔux̌ʷ čəɬ dxʷʔal ti sʔəsq̓ʷuʔ ʔal ti ʔiabalʔtxʷ.
We went to the gathering at the Gym.
ʔušudxʷ čəxʷ ʔu tiʔiʔiɬ ʔaciɬtalbixʷ ʔal ti q̓il̕bid.
Have you see those people on the canoe.
ʔugʷihic ti dsyaʔyaʔ dxʷʔal ti sʔəsq̓ʷuʔ ʔə ti tubtubšədəd ʔal ti ɬux̌aʔx̌aʔ.
My friend invited me to the veterans pow wow this weekend.
ʔi, ʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ čəd kʷi gʷədsʔəsšudxʷ tiʔiɬ q̓il̕bid ʔal ti x̌ʷəlč ʔə ti yəl̕yəl̕abčəɬ.
Yes, I love to see the canoe on the waters of our ancestors.
ʔəsšudxʷ čəxʷ ʔu ti yubəč.
Have you seen a king salmon?
ʔəslax̌dxʷ ti shuyyitubuɬs.
Remember their sacrifices.
ʔəshigʷəd ti x̌əč̓usadadčəɬ.
Respect our traditions.
ʔəshigʷəd čəɬ ti yubəč.
We respect King Salmon.
tuʔux̌ʷ čəɬ ʔal ti sʔuluɬ ʔə ti q̓il̕bid.
We went on canoe journey.
ti sdaʔ ʔə ti q̓il̕bid, "tul̕ʔal ti tuyəl̕yəl̕abčəɬ.
From our Ancestors, is the name of that canoe.
stab kʷi sdaʔ ʔə ti q̓il̕bid kʷi addəxʷʔuluɬ.
What is the name of the canoe you traveled on?
šəqild čəɬ ti bək̓ʷ tubšədəʔ.
We hold our warriors in high respect.
qʷibid čəd ti x̌payʔ.
I am preparing cedar.
ƛ̕ulax̌dxʷ čəɬ ti tutubšədəʔčəɬ tux̌ilix̌ gʷəl šəbali dxʷʔal dibəɬ.
We always remember our warriors, who fought and died for us.
ɬuʔux̌ʷ čəxʷ ʔu dxʷʔal ti sʔəsq̓ʷuʔ ʔə ti tubtubšədəd ʔal ti ɬux̌aʔx̌aʔ.
Are you going to the veterans pow wow this weekend?
ɬuʔah čəxʷ ʔu ʔal ti sʔəshigʷəd ʔə ti yubəč.
Are you going to go to the salmon ceremony.
ɬušudubicid čəd ʔu ʔal ti sʔəsq̓ʷuʔ.
Will I see you at the gathering?
ɬušudubicid čəd ʔal ti sʔəsq̓ʷuʔ.
I will see you at the gathering.
ɬuƛ̕a čəxʷ ʔu sʔəshigʷəd ʔə ti yubəč.
Are you going to go to the salmon ceremony?
ɬudᶻubalikʷ ti dbədaʔ ʔi tsi dbədaʔ ʔal ti pigʷədalʔtxʷ.
My son and daughter will be dancing in the longhouse.
dəxʷǰuʔil ʔə ti dxʷlilap x̌alalʔtxʷ
(the reason for being happy) (referring to the ceremony)