haʔɬ pədx̌aʔx̌aʔ – Merry Christmas
haʔɬ pədx̌aʔx̌aʔ – Merry Christmas sung by Virginia Jones
haʔɬ pədx̌aʔx̌aʔ – Merry Christmas sung by Virginia Jones
The calendar this year focuses on traditional storytellers. Gifted storytellers can engage their listeners by animating voices, using gestures and creating the sounds of nature. Through these techniques people are able to visualize the story and ultimately remember the story.
This calendar features 12 Lushootseed storytellers, though there were countless others over the millennia. Below each storyteller you’ll see a QR code that will take you to the storyteller’s page at TulalipLushootseed.com and links to some of the stories associated with them.
Physical calendars will be available at our office, the dxʷdigʷitəgʷəlalʔtxʷ (administration building), dəxʷhəliʔil (heath clinic), wiw̓su ʔə ti sʔuladxʷ (Betty J Taylor Early Learning Academy) and the Hibulb Cultural Center by December 15, 2023