

Lushootseed Virtual Choir
ti dʔaciɬtalbixʷ (My People)

David Main

The song was composed and sung by Rachelle Claudia Armstead a Tulalip Tribal member. The song’s lyrics were written by Tulalip Lushootseed Teacher Sarah Miller .

Rachelle Claudia Armstead is working on her Master’s of Music in Composition program at the University of South Carolina and will be graduating in May 2022.

ti dʔaciɬtalbixʷMy People
gʷəc čəɬ ʔə ti t̕it̕ət̕əwaʔs.
gʷəɬ čəɬ dxʷʔal ti sɬukʷaɬ.
ʔəsɬaɬlil čəɬ ʔə ti sɬukʷalb.
sʔuladxʷ čəɬ ʔal ti x̌ʷəlč.
ʔudᶻubalikʷ čəɬ x̌ʷul̕ab ʔə ti x̌payʔac.
didti čəɬ ti qal̕qaləx̌ič.
ʔah ti st̕əlǰixʷ ʔal ti stuligʷədčəɬ.
uʔxʷ, baliic čəɬ sc̓aliʔčəɬ ti swatixʷtəd.
baliic čəɬ dxʷʔal ʔəɬtxʷ ti shəliʔčəɬ ʔəsq̓ʷuʔ ʔə ti slələʔulbčəɬ.
baliic čəɬ gʷəluƛ̕ ʔi ti x̌aʔx̌aʔ ti sgʷadgʷadtədčəɬ.
huy… c̓kʷaqid ɬuʔaʔsil ti x̌əččəɬ…
…qəɬəd, ʔal kʷi sləx̌il.
We are born from the stars.
We belong to the sun.
We live by the moon.
We are the salmon in the sea.
We are the dancing cedar trees.
We are the powerful killer whale.
There is magic in our blood.
Still, we forget that the earth is our heart.
We forget to feed our souls with our histories.
We forget that our words are ancient and sacred.
But our spirit will always wait for us… 
…to, one day, wake up.

Information about the song and its lyrics and meaning can be found here.

Lushootseed Our Table iOS App Available now

David Main

At Tulalip, our table is a place of family gathering, where we share songs, stories, jokes, food and love. We want to hear our traditional language spoken around the table as elders, parents and children share their lives. That is why we created this app.

Set this app on your table, and you and your family can practice the language of our elders as you share a meal together. Learn and practice how to say “Please give me…” and “Please pass the __ to __.”

This project is a collaboration between the Betty J Taylor Early Learning Academy, The Tulalip Tribes Lushootseed Language Department, and FizzBrain Apps.

The Lushootseed-speaking region extends along the shores of Puget Sound from modern-day Olympia to the Skagit watershed and from the Hood canal to the Cascades. The term “Northern “ refers to the language as spoken by the Skagit, Swinomish, Sauk-Suiattle, Stillaguamish, and neighboring peoples; “Southern Lushootseed,” is that spoken by the peoples of Snoqualmie, Muckleshoot, Puyallup, Nisqually, Squaxin Island, Suquamish, and their neighbors. The Snohomish Lushootseed spoken at Tulalip exhibits features of both Northern and Southern language, though it is usually categorized as “Northern.”

Download the iOS app Here.

Download the App for Android Here.