The first 3 phrase challenge showed success, so it’s time for 3 new words / phrases. By popular demand, we’ve added an English phonetic line to help you with pronunciation. We can do this Tulalip!
Get Your Lushootseed On!
Click on image to download a printable 8.5″ x 11″ copy.
Click on Cover to go to SoundCloud where all the audio is for the game.
With many families getting ready to go on road trips for the holiday’s it’s time to use Lushootseed with the whole family in a a fun way. You can download the PDF here , or click on the checklist.
Put on your ears and open your eyes… ʔəsšudxʷ čəd ti šəgʷɬalc .
Push your dxʷləšucid language skills to the next level!
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