
hay, tuʔabyitəbəxʷ ʔə tiʔiɬ x̌aʔx̌aʔ ʔə kʷi diɬ stabs kʷi gʷəsx̌aƛ̕s.
gʷəl ʔah kʷaʔ tiʔəʔ sčətxʷəd. putəxʷ ʔəsbəɬ. put ƛ̕ubəʔitut tiʔiɬ ʔəxʷpakʷahəb.

Then, the Creator heard and granted her the thing that she wanted.
And there is this Black bear; he is still full of food. He just continued to sleep with his hind end up in the air.

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