Basic Conversation Phrases
ʔuʔukʷukʷ čəd.
I am playing.
ʔutagʷš čəd kʷi puʔtəd.
I bought a shirt.
ʔušpadᶻəb čəd.
I brushed my hair.
ʔuƛ̕a čəɬ pigʷədalʔtxʷ.
We went to the longhouse.
ʔuɬiʔdahəb čəɬ.
We went trolling for fish.
ʔulub ʔi ti x̌ʷəl titčulbixʷ.
Nineteen little animals.
ʔulub ʔi ti təqačiʔ titčulbixʷ.
Eighteen little animals.
ʔulub ʔi ti təqačiʔ kəškəšu.
Eighteen pigs.
ʔulub ʔi ti saliʔ sʔax̌ʷuʔ.
Twelve clams.
ʔulub ʔi ti ɬixʷ sʔax̌ʷuʔ.
Thirteen clams.
ʔulub ʔi ti č̓uʔ sʔax̌ʷuʔ.
Eleven clams
ʔulub ʔi ti cəlac sʔax̌ʷuʔ.
Fifteen clams.
ʔulub ʔi ti buus sʔax̌ʷuʔ.
Fourteen clams.
ʔulub sʔax̌ʷuʔ.
Ten clams.
ʔukʷukʷcut čəd.
I am cooking.
ʔukʷədxʷ čəd ti sʔuladxʷ.
I caught a salmon.
It is spring now.
ʔi, ts(i) dsyaʔyaʔ.
Hello (female) friend.
ʔi, ti dsyaʔyaʔ.
Hello friend.
ʔi, sʔabadəb tiʔiɬ.
Yes it’s a gift.
ʔi, syaʔyaʔ.
Hello friend.
ʔi, pədt̕aqaʔ tiʔəʔ.
Yes, it is August.
ʔi čəxʷ, ʔəsčal čəxʷ.
Hello, how are you?
ʔi čəxʷ, haʔɬ sšudubicid.
Hello, it’s good to see you.
ʔi čəxʷ tsi dəgʷiʔ, ʔəsčal čəxʷ.
Hello, How are you.
ʔəsʔitut ʔal ti sɬagʷids.
She’s sleeping in her bed.
ʔəsʔitut tsi mali.
Mary is sleeping.
ʔəsx̌icil t(i) dscapaʔ.
My grandfather is angry.
ʔəsx̌əɬəɬx̌əč čəd.
I am sad.
ʔəsx̌əɬ tsi dsk̓ʷuy.
My mother is sick.
ʔəsx̌əɬ tsi dkayə.
My grandmother is sick.
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ kʷi gʷəyəsyəst̕ad ʔə tsi dsk̓ʷuy.
My mom likes roses.
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ čəɬ ti sʔuladxʷ.
We like salmon.
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ čəd ti ʔuhihədəb.
I like spring.
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ čəd ti č̓ƛ̕aʔqs.
I like Priest Point.
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ čəd kʷi tulqʷ.
I like mussels.
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ čəd kʷi sʔax̌ʷuʔ.
I like clams.
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕tub kʷi c̓qaysəb ʔə tsi dsk̓ʷuy.
My mother likes flowers.
ʔəstagʷəxʷ čəxʷ ʔu.
Are you hungry?
ʔəstagʷəxʷ čəd
I’m hungry.
ʔəsšudxʷ čəxʷ ʔu ti yubəč.
Have you seen a king salmon?
ʔəsƛ̕ubil čəxʷ ʔu.
Are you okay?
ʔəsɬič̓txʷ səpləl tiʔəʔ.
This is a slice of bread.
ʔəshiiɬ tsi dʔibac.
My granddaughter is happy.
ʔəshiiɬ ts(i) dkayə.
My grandmother is happy.
It is hot.
It is beautiful.
ʔəshaydubicid ti dqəsiʔ.
My uncle knows you.
ʔəsčal tsi adʔibac.
How is your granddaughter?
ʔəsčal ts(i) adkayə.
How is your grandmother?
ʔəsčal ti x̌alalʔtxʷ.
How is school?
ʔəsčal ti adʔibac.
How is your grandson?
ʔəsčal ti adstaləɬ.
How is your nephew?
ʔəsčal t(i) adscapaʔ.
How is your grandfather?
ʔəsčal čəxʷ.
How are you?
ʔəsčal čəxʷ, ti dsyaʔyaʔ.
How are you, my friend?
ʔəsbap čəd.
I am busy.
ʔal ti č̓ƛ̕aʔqs.
At Priest Point.
ʔah ʔu kʷi ləli cəq̓disbəd.
Is there another fork?
ʔah kʷi dtalə.
I have money.
ʔadᶻalus čəxʷ.
You are beautiful.
Oh, no.
yəlaʔc tatačulbixʷ.
Six big animals.
xʷiʔ, ʔəsbap čəd.
No, I'm busy.
xʷiʔ, ɬuyayus čəd.
No, I have to work.
xʷiʔ uʔxʷ kʷi gʷədsʔəshaydxʷ.
I do not know yet.
xʷiʔ ləhaʔɬ
It was bad.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷəsyaʔyaʔs.
She had no friends.
xʷiʔ gʷadsdxʷx̌ʷal̕igʷəd
Don’t give up.
xʷiʔ čəxʷ ləday̓ay̓
You are not alone.
x̌ʷəl tatačulbixʷ.
Nine big animals.
uhhh… tix̌ix̌dubut.
Oh, you take care of yourself.
tul̕ʔal čəd dxʷlilap.
I am from Tulalip.
tul̕čad čəxʷ.
Where are you from?
ti sdaʔ ʔə ti q̓il̕bid, "tul̕ʔal ti tuyəl̕yəl̕abčəɬ.
From our Ancestors, is the name of that canoe.
ti bədaʔ ʔə tsi mali.
He is Mary’s little boy.
təqačiʔ tatačulbixʷ.
Eight big animals.
Go to bed.
Go to bed now.
šuuc tiʔiɬ x̌ibəč̓ labatu.
Look at that black sheep.
stab tiʔiɬ.
What is that?
stab tiʔəʔ.
What is this?
stab kʷi tushuyləp.
What did you guys do?
stab kʷi sʔuhuy ʔə tsi mali.
What is Mary doing?
stab kʷi ɬuadshuy.
What are you going to do?.
stab kʷi ɬadshuy.
What will you do?
stab kʷi ɬ(u)adsʔuhuy.
What are you going to do?
stab kʷi adsʔuʔəɬəd.
What are you eating.
sk̓ʷətɬ tiʔiɬ.
That is a chipmunk.
siʔəxʷ čəxʷ haʔɬigʷəd
You are enough.
səpləl tiʔəʔ.
This is bread.
sduhubš čəxʷ ʔu.
Are you Snohomish?
saliʔačiʔ titčulbixʷ.
Twenty little animals.
saliʔ sʔuladxʷ.
Two salmon.
qʷibid ti adsɬagʷid.
Make your bed.
q̓ičigʷəd čəxʷ
You are worthy. (You are valuable by your nature)
q̓ič čəxʷ
You matter.
pədt̕aqaʔ ʔu tiʔəʔ.
Is it August?
p̓aƛ̕aƛ̕ dxʷʔal ʔəcaʔ.
You're welcome. / Don't mention it. Literally, "Has no value to me."
It was okay.
ɬuʔax̌ʷuʔb čəɬ.
Let's look for clams.
ɬux̌əčəd čəɬ.
Let's count.
ɬukʷukʷcut čəd dxʷʔal ti dbad
I am going to cook for my dad.
ɬugʷax̌ʷ čəxʷ ʔu.
Will you go for a walk.
ɬugʷabid čəxʷ ʔu dxʷʔal ti sʔululuɬ ʔə ti q̓il̕q̓il̕bid.
Are you going on Canoe Journey?
ɬəgʷɬ čəɬ.
Let’s go.
ɬaʔx̌ tiʔəʔ. ɬaʔx̌.
This is a plate.
ɬapqs tiʔəʔ. ɬapqs.
This is a serving spoon.
lətədᶻil čəd.
I am going to bed.
lətədᶻil čəd
I am going to bed.
ləƛ̕a čəd gʷəɬ dsyaʔyaʔ ʔalʔal
I am going to a friend's house.
lala tsi dsdaʔ.
My name is Laura.
k̓ʷəɬad. k̓ʷəɬad.
Pour something. Pour something.
k̓ʷəɬad čəd ti kupi.
I pour the coffee.
kʷədad čəd ti sduukʷ.
I take a knife.
k̓ʷəčəldiʔ tiʔiɬ.
That is a rabbit.
k̓ʷat̕ad tiʔiɬ.
That is a mouse.
kupi tiʔəʔ. kupi
This is coffee.
huy, ɬuʔitut čəxʷ.
Then you need to sleep.
huy gʷəl slihibus tiʔəʔ.
Then it is April. (Time when the Swans migrate)
hədliʔ ti dsdaʔ.
My name is Henry.
haʔɬ syayus.
Good job.
haʔɬ sɬax̌il.
Good night.
haʔɬ sləx̌il, pala. stab kʷ(i) adsyəcəb.
Good day Paula. What’s your news?
haʔɬ dadatu tsi malia.
Good morning Maria.
haʔɬ adsɬčil
Welcome (Good is your arrival)
Clean up.
haʔkʷ čəd ʔəshaydxʷ.
I already know that.
Please help me.
gʷəkiis čəxʷ.
Standup please.
Bless you, usually said after someone sneezes.
gʷəgʷədil čəxʷ.
Sit down please.
gʷədᶻaƛ̕əb čəxʷ, huyucut cək̓ʷ čəxʷa bəʔibəš
Your mistakes do not define you.
gʷədil čəd ʔal ti tibu.
I sit at the table.
gʷat kʷi ʔəsʔitut.
Who is sleeping?
gʷat kʷi labət.
Who is Robert?
gʷat kʷ(i) adsdaʔ.
What is your name?
dxʷstalx̌cut čəd gʷəɬ dxʷlilap x̌alalʔtxʷ
I am a graduate of Heritage High School.
dəč̓axʷ ti adsləx̌ləx̌il
One Day at a Time. (Let your days be one at a time)
day̓ čəd ɬušudubicid.
I'll be seeing you.
c̓uʔkʷs tatačulbixʷ.
Seven big animals.
č̓uʔ sʔuladxʷ.
One salmon.
cəq̓disbəd tiʔəʔ. cəq̓disbəd.
This is a fork.
cəlacačiʔilc ʔi kʷi c̓uʔkʷs.
It’s 57 dollars.
Wash the dishes.
čaydi sʔəɬəd tiʔəʔ. čaydi sʔəɬəd.
This is Chinese food.
c̓agʷačiʔb čəxʷ ʔu.
Did you wash your hands?
čad kʷi hikʷ č̓ƛ̕aʔ.
Where is the big rock.
bisid kʷi dəxʷšuɬtxʷ.
Pick a movie.
Thank you.