Conversational Lushootseed – Units 11-15
Lesson-11: Places to go
x̌ačuʔ - Lake
stuləkʷ - River
ʔalʔal - House
sbadil - Mountain
sbadbadil - Mountains
x̌ʷəlč - Saltwater / Ocean
ʔilgʷiɬ - Beach / Shoreline
sʔəɬədalʔtxʷ - Store / Restaurant
č̓əɬabalʔtxʷ - Movie Theatre
taw̓d - Town
dəxʷt̕ilib gʷəɬ ʔaciɬtalbixʷ - Coastal Jam
sʔukʷukʷ - Game
x̌alalʔtxʷ- School
tagʷsic̓aʔalʔtxʷ - Outlet Mall
lədxʷčadəxʷ čəxʷ.- Where are you going?
ƛ̕a čəd taw̓d.- I'm going to town.
ʔuʔux̌ʷ čəd dxʷʔal ti taw̓d.- I'm going to town.
ƛ̕a čəxʷ ʔu taw̓d. - Are you going to town?
ʔuʔux̌ʷ čəxʷ ʔu dxʷʔal ti taw̓d. - Are you going to town?
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷədsƛ̕a taw̓d. - I'm not going to town?
Drills: Lesson-11: Places to go
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Drills: Lesson-11:Places to go-Questions and Answers
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Lesson-12: (States of Being)
ʔəstagʷəxʷ - Hungry
ʔəsx̌əɬəɬx̌əč - Sad
ʔəxʷʔitutəb - Sleepy
ʔəsqəɬ - Awake
ʔəsxʷak̓ʷtxʷ - Bored
ʔəsxʷak̓ʷil - Tired
ʔəshədqʷəb - Hot
ʔəsƛ̕ax̌ - Cold
ʔəstagʷəxʷ ʔu. - Is she/he hungry?
ʔi, ʔəstagʷəxʷ - Yes, She/He is hungry.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷəsʔəstagʷəxʷs. - No she/he is not hungry.
ʔəshədqʷəb čəxʷ ʔu. - Are you hot?
ʔi, ʔəshədqʷəb čəd. - Yes, I'm hot.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷədsʔəshədqʷəb. - No, I'm not hot.
ʔəstagʷəxʷ čəxʷ ʔu. - Are you hungry?
ʔəstaqʷuʔ čəxʷ ʔu. - Are you thirsty?
ʔəshiiɬ čəxʷ ʔu. - Are you happy?
ʔəsx̌əɬəɬx̌əč čəxʷ ʔu. - Are you sad?
ʔəsxʷak̓ʷil čəxʷ ʔu. - Are you tired?
ʔəsƛ̕ax̌ čəxʷ ʔu. - Are you cold?
ʔəshədqʷəb čəxʷ ʔu. - Are you hot?
Drills: Lesson-12: States of Being
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Drills: Lesson-12: States of Being Questions and Answers
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Lesson-13: (Physical descriptions-1)
č̓ač̓as - Young / Child
luƛ̕ - Old
ʔəsbəqʷ - Fat
ƛ̕uil - Skinny
haac - Tall
q̓iq̓x̌ʷuʔ - Short
x̌ik̓ʷ - Ugly
ʔadᶻalus - Pretty
haʔɬ šuɬ - Handsome
qʷiq̓ʷ - Strong
c̓ud - Weak
qʷiq̓ʷ čəxʷ ʔu. - Are you strong?
ʔi, qʷiq̓ʷ čəd. - Yes, I'm strong.
xʷi, xʷiʔ čəd ləqʷiq̓ʷ. - No, I'm not strong.
Drills: Lesson-13: Physical descriptions-1
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Drills: Lesson-13: Physical Descriptions 1 questions and answers
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Lesson-14: (Personality Traits-1)
dxʷsʔəshigʷəd - One who is respectful
dxʷssaʔ - Impatient
dxʷsdᶻəw̓il - One who has dignity and graciousness
x̌ʷiqʷux̌ʷ - Smart
ʔəsqʷic - Lazy
dᶻəgʷa dxʷʔulus - Hard working
x̌ik̓ʷ - Mean
dxʷsǰuʔil - Nice
higʷaligʷas - Serious / Brave
ʔayəyaš - Funny
dxʷsx̌ayəb - A great one for laughing
statabəb - Talkative
statabəb ʔu tsi Susan. - Is Susan talkative.
ʔi, statabəb tsi Susan. - Yes, Susan is talkative.
xʷiʔ, xʷiʔ ləstatabəb tsi Susan. - No, Susan is not talkative.
ʔəsqʷic čəxʷ ʔu. - Are you lazy?
ʔi, ʔəsqʷic čəd. - Yes, I'm lazy.
xʷiʔ, xʷiʔ lədʔəsqʷic. - No, I'm not lazy.
dxʷsǰuiʔil ʔu. - Is she / he nice?
ʔi, dxʷsǰuʔil. - Yes, she/he is nice.
xʷiʔ, xʷiʔ lədxʷsǰuʔil. - No she / he is not nice.
Drills: Lesson-14: Personality Traits-1
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Lesson-15: x̌iʔx̌isdaʔ - (colors)
x̌ičəc - Red
x̌ʷiqʷac - Yellow
hudalus - Orange
sč̓uɬəyʔalus - Green
t̕aqa(h)alus - Purple
kay̓kay̓alus - Blue
x̌ibəč̓ - Black
x̌ʷiqʷəq̓ʷ - White
pədixʷalus - Brown
šuk̓ʷil - Gray
čəcil - Pink
ʔəsʔəx̌idalus tiʔəʔ. - What color is this?
ʔəsʔəx̌idalus tiʔiɬ. - What color is that?
ʔəsʔəx̌idalus ʔal tudiʔ - What color is that over there?
x̌ičəc tiʔəʔ. - This is red.
t̕aqa(h)alus tiʔiɬ. - That is purple.
kay̓kay̓alus ʔal tudiʔ. - That over there is blue.
Drills: Lesson-15: x̌iʔx̌iʔsdaʔ-Colors
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