Conversational Lushootseed – Units 6-10
Lesson-6: Food-1
sʔuladxʷ - salmon
ʔikʷ - egg(s)
spiqʷuc - potato
səpləl̕ - bread
kəšuʔaɬc̓iʔ - pork
bidᶻ - beans
čidᶻ - cheese
swədaʔx̌ - huckleberries
qʷistaɬc̓iʔ - beef
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ čəxʷ ʔu kʷi sʔuladxʷ - Do you like salmon?
ʔi, ʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ čəd kʷi sʔuladxʷ - Yes, I like salmon.
xʷiʔ, xʷiʔ kʷi gʷədsʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ kʷi sʔuladxʷ. - No, I don't like salmon.
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ čəxʷ ʔu kʷi sʔuladxʷ. - Do you want some salmon?
ʔi - yes
xʷiʔ, t̕ igʷicid - no, thanks
Drills: Lesson-6: sʔəɬəd-1 / Foods-1
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Lesson-7: Food-2
lipli - corn
spiqʷuc - potato
sʔuladxʷ - fish
sɬub - soup
čəlis - cherries
sčiʔyu - strawberries
səpləl - toast
šəgʷaq - carrots
sgʷəlub - chicken
apəl - apple
stab kʷ(i) adsʔuʔəɬəd - What are you eating?
ʔuʔəɬəd čəd ʔə kʷi lipl̕i. - I am eating corn.
ʔuʔəɬəd čəxʷ ʔu ʔə ti lipli. - Are you eating corn?
xʷiʔ, xʷiʔ kʷi gʷədsʔuʔəɬəd ʔə kʷi lipli. - No, I am not eating corn.
Drills: Lesson-7: sʔəɬəd-2 / Food-2
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Lesson-8: Having a meal
ƛ̕aɬəb - salt
pəpə - pepper
bətə - butter
šukʷə - sugar
pədixʷalus šukʷə - brown sugar
cəq̓disbad - fork
spud - spoon
sduukʷ - knife
č̓awəyʔulč - bowl
ɬaʔx̌ - plate
səxʷqʷuʔqʷaʔ - glass
qʷuʔqʷaʔtəd - cup
ʔik̓ʷaʔdəl - napkin / paper towel
gʷəʔabyic ʔə kʷi ƛ̕aɬəb. - Pass me the salt.
čad kʷi ƛ̕aɬəb. - Where is the salt.
ʔah ti ƛ̕aɬəb. - Here is the salt.
xʷiʔ kʷi gʷədsʔəshaydxʷ. - I don't know.
Drills: Lesson-8: Having a meal
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Lesson-9: Drinks
kupi - coffee
sqəbuʔ - milk
qʷuʔ - water
qʷagʷəbalqʷuʔ - pop / soda / sweet-drink
dxʷshədalqʷuʔ - tea
sq̓axʷalqʷuʔ - smoothie
ʔəsx̌aƛ̕txʷ čəxʷ ʔu ʔə kʷi sqʷuʔqʷaʔ. - Do you want something to drink?
ʔi - yes
xʷiʔ - no
stab kʷi adsqʷuʔqʷaʔdid - What are you drinking?
ʔuqʷuʔqʷaʔdid čəd ʔə kʷi qʷagʷəbalqʷuʔ. - I am drinking a soda.
ʔuqʷuʔqʷaʔdid čəxʷ ʔu ʔə kʷi qʷagʷəbalqʷuʔ. - Are you drinking a soda?
xʷiʔ, xʷiʔ kʷi gʷədsʔuqʷuʔqʷaʔdid ʔə kʷi qʷagʷəbalqʷuʔ. - No, I am not drinking a soda.
Drills: Lesson-9: Drinks
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Drills: Lesson-9: Drinks-Questions and Answers
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Lesson-10: Weather
ʔəsšəxʷəb - It's windy.
ʔəsgəqəb - It's sunny.
ʔuqəlb - It's raining.
ʔəsq̓aƛ̕əb - It's cloudy.
ɬuhaʔɬ ti šəqulgʷədxʷ - It's clear.
ʔəsqʷəšab - It's foggy.
ʔubaqʷuʔb - It's snowing.
x̌ʷiqʷədiʔb - It's thundering.
ʔəsčal tiʔəʔ sləx̌il. - What is the weather today?
ʔal tiʔəʔ sləx̌il ʔəsgəqəb. - Today it is sunny.
ʔəsčal tiʔəʔ sləx̌il ʔal ti tudukʷəɬdat. - What was the weather like yesterday?
ʔal ti tudukʷəɬdat ʔuqəlb. - Yesterday it was raining.
ʔəsčal tiʔəʔ sləx̌il ʔal kʷi ɬudukʷəɬdat. - What's the weather going to be like tomorrow?
ʔal ti ɬudukʷəɬdat ʔəsgəqəb. - Tomorrow it's going to be sunny.
ʔəsgəqəb ʔu ʔal tiʔəʔ sləx̌il. - Is it sunny today?
xʷiʔ ləʔəsgəqəb ʔal tiʔəʔ sləx̌il. - It's not sunny today.
Drills: Lesson-10: Weather
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Drills: Lesson-10: Weather Questions and Answers
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