Conversational Lushootseed – Units 1-5
čə- words are basically pronouns; You, I, we and you folks; and they always come second in a sentence after a verb. Verbs always come first.
Lesson-1: ʔi čəxʷ / Hello
ʔi čəxʷ - Hello
huyʔ - Goodbye
haʔɬ dadatu - Good morning
haʔɬ sləx̌il - Good day
haʔɬ sɬax̌il - Good afternoon
haʔɬ sɬax̌il - Good night
ɬušudubicid čəd ʔal kʷi ƛ̕əllaʔ - See you later
ʔəsčal čəxʷ - How are you?
ʔəsčal čəxʷ ti dəgʷiʔ - And how are you?
ʔəsƛ̕ubil čəd - I am fine
ʔəsxʷak̓ʷil čəd - I am tired
ʔəsx̌əɬ čəd - I am sick
ʔəstagʷəxʷ čəd - I am hungry
ʔəsbap čəd - I am busy
ʔəshiiɬ čəd - I am happy
ʔəstaqʷuʔ čəd - I am thirsty
ʔəsbiɬaʔəb čəd - I am annoyed
gʷat kʷi adsdaʔ - What is your name?
Sam ti dsdaʔ - My name is Sam
Cultural component: ʔi - hello (as in many Native American languages, can also mean "yes")
Drills: Lesson-1: ʔi čəxʷ (Greetings)
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Drills: Lesson-1B: Greetings
haʔɬ sšudubicid. - It's good to see you.
tigʷicid - Thank you
p̓aƛ̕aƛ̕ dxʷʔal ʔəcaʔ - You’re welcome. / Don’t mention it. Literally, “Has no value to me.”
huy - Goodbye.
tix̌ix̌dubut - Take care of yourself.
Lesson-2: Nouns and Articles
ti syaʔyaʔ - male friend
tsi syaʔyaʔ - female friend
tsi sɬadəyʔ - woman
ti stubš - man
ti stutubš - boy
tsi sɬaɬədəyʔ - girl
ti ǰan - John
tsi ǰin - Jane
ʔəsčal čəxʷ - How are you?
ʔəsčal čəxʷ ti dəgʷiʔ - And how are you?
ʔəsčal ti adsyaʔyaʔ - How is your (male) friend?
ʔəsčal tsi adsyaʔyaʔ - How is your (female) friend?
ʔəsčal ti stubš - How is the man?
ʔəsčal tsi sɬadəyʔ - How is the woman?
ʔəsčal ti adstutubš - How is your boy?
ʔəsčal tsi adsɬaɬədəyʔ- How is your girl?
ʔəsčal ti ǰan - How is John?
ʔəsčal tsi ǰin - How is Jane?
ʔu... sʔušəbabdxʷ - Oh poor thing
ʔu.. day̓ haʔɬ - Oh That's good.
ʔačəda! - Oh my Goodness
Cultural component: ʔi - hello (as in many Native American languages, can also mean "yes")
Drills: Lesson-2: Nouns and Articles
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Lesson 3: Action Verbs
ʔibəš - walk
təlawil - run
gʷədil - sit
kiis - stand
ʔitut - sleep
ʔəɬəd - eat
qʷuʔqʷaʔdid - drink
kʷukʷcut - cook
Question Words:
lədxʷčadəxʷ čəxʷ - Where are you going?
stab kʷi adsʔuhuy - What are you doing?
tibu- table
səxʷgʷədil- chair
sɬagʷid- bed
xʷuyubalʔtxʷ- store
talə(h)alʔtxʷ- bank
ʔuʔibəš čəd dxʷʔal ti store - I am walking to the store.
ʔutəlawil čəd dxʷʔal ti store - I am running to the store
ʔəsgʷədil čəd ʔal ti tibu - I am sitting on the table
ʔəsʔitut čəd - I am sleeping
ʔuʔəɬəd čəd - I am eating
ʔuqʷuʔqʷaʔdid čəd ʔə ti soda - I am drinking a soda
ʔukʷukʷcut čəd ʔə ti sgʷəlub - I am cooking chicken
You may have noticed that there are prefixes added when constructing a sentence. The ʔu- in the front adds –ing to the verb. The ʔəs- prefix is known as a state of being, which also adds an –ing to the verb.
Drills: Lesson-3: Action Verbs
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Drills: Lesson-3B: Action Verbs
Lesson 4: sx̌əčtəd (Numbers)
p̓aƛ̕aƛ̕ - zero
č̓uʔ - one
saliʔ - two
ɬixʷ - three
buus - four
cəlac - five
yəlaʔc - six
c̓uʔkʷs - seven
təqačiʔ - eight
x̌ʷəl - nine
ʔulub - ten
saliʔačiʔ - twenty
ɬixʷačiʔ - thirty
buusačiʔ - forty
cəlacačiʔ - fifty
yəlaʔcačiʔ - sixty
c̓uʔkʷsačiʔ - seventy
təqačiʔačiʔ - eighty
x̌ʷəlačiʔ - ninety
sbək̓ʷačiʔ - one-hundred
k̓ʷidəladxʷ čəxʷ - How old are you?
buusačiʔəladxʷ čəd ʔi kʷi ɬixʷ - I am 43 years old.
k̓ʷidəladxʷ tsiʔiɬ / tiʔiɬ - How old is she / he?
yəlaʔcačiʔəladxʷ tiʔiɬ ʔi kʷi č̓uʔ - He is 61 years old.
ʔah ʔu kʷi adsx̌əčtəd ʔə ti adsəxʷqʷiʔaac - What is your phone number?
Drills: Lesson-4: sx̌əčtəd - Numbers
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Lesson-5: What time is it?
ʔaləxʷ k̓ʷid - What time is it?
čəx̌gʷas sɬax̌ ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi ɬup - 12:30am
č̓uʔ ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi ɬup - 1:30am
saliʔ ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi ɬup - 2:30am
ɬixʷ ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi ɬup - 3:30am
buus ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi ɬup - 4:30am
cəlac ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi ɬup - 5:30am
yəlaʔc ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi ɬup - 6:30am
c̓uʔkʷs ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi ɬup - 7:30am
təqačiʔ ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi ɬup - 8:30am
x̌ʷəl ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi ɬup - 9:30am
ʔulub ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi ɬup - 10:30am
ʔulub ʔi kʷi č̓uʔ ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi ɬup - 11:30am
t̕agʷt - noon
t̕agʷt ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi laq - 12:30pm
č̓uʔ ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi laq - 1:30pm
saliʔ ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi laq - 2:30pm
ɬixʷ ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi laq - 3:30pm
buus ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi laq - 4:30pm
cəlac ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi laq - 5:30pm
yəlaʔc ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi laq - 6:30pm
c̓uʔkʷs ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi laq - 7:30pm
təqačiʔ ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi laq - 8:30pm
x̌ʷəl ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi laq - 9:30pm
ʔulub ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi laq - 10:30pm
ʔulub ʔi kʷi č̓uʔ ʔi kʷi ʔiɬčəx̌ ʔal kʷi laq - 11:30pm
čəx̌gʷas sɬax̌ - midnight
č̓uʔ ʔal kʷi ɬup - 1:00am
saliʔ ʔal kʷi ɬup – 2:00am
ɬixʷ ʔal kʷi ɬup – 3:00am
buus ʔal kʷi ɬup – 4:00am
cəlac ʔal kʷi ɬup – 5:00am
yəlaʔc ʔal kʷi ɬup – 6:00am
c̓uʔkʷs ʔal kʷi ɬup – 7:00am
təqačiʔ ʔal kʷi ɬup – 8:00am
x̌ʷəl ʔal kʷi ɬup – 9:00am
Drills: Lesson-5: ʔaləxʷ k̓ʷid -What time is it?
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