
Day: September 22, 2021

Lesson-3: Action Verbs

David Main, mmyles, ngobin

Lesson 3: Action Verbs

ʔibəš – walk
təlawil – run
gʷədil – sit
kiis – stand
ʔitut – sleep
ʔəɬəd – eat
qʷuʔqʷaʔdid – drink
kʷukʷcut – cook

Question Words:

lədxʷčadəxʷ čəxʷ – Where are you going?
stab kʷi adsʔuhuy – What are you doing?


ʔuʔibəš čəd dxʷʔal ti store – I am walking to the store.
ʔutəlawil čəd dxʷʔal ti store – I am running to the store
ʔəsgʷədil čəd ʔal ti tibu – I am sitting on the table
ʔəsʔitut čəd – I am sleeping
ʔuʔəɬəd čəd – I am eating
ʔuqʷuʔqʷaʔdid čəd ʔə ti soda – I am drinking a soda
ʔukʷukʷcut čəd ʔə ti sgʷəlub – I am cooking chicken

You may have noticed that there are prefixes added when constructing a sentence. The ʔu- in the front adds –ing to the verb. The ʔəs- prefix is known as a state of being, which also adds an –ing to the verb.