
Year: 2019


Maria Martin Main, mrios

Starting with your name.

My name is… (Boys) ti dsdaʔ, (Girls) tsi dsdaʔ.
I am from… tul̕ʔal čəd ti (place name).
I am… (tribes name, peoples name). sduhubš čəd čəda stuləkʷabš. I am Snohomish and Stillaguamish.
My mom is… (Name) tsi dsk̓ʷuyʔ. (Name) tsi tudsk̓ʷuyʔ.
My dad is… (Name) ti dbad. (Name) ti tudbad.
My grandma is… (Name) tsi dkayəʔ. (Name) tsi tudkayəʔ.
My grandpa is… (Name) ti dscapaʔ. (Name) ti tudscapaʔ.
My great-grandma is… (Name) tsi dsč̓abiqʷ. (Name) tsi tudsč̓abiqʷ.
My great-grandpa is… (Name) ti sč̓abiqʷ. (Name) ti tudsč̓abiqʷ.
My mother’s side of the family is… (Mothers maiden name) sk̓ʷuyʔaligʷəd ti dʔiišəd.
My father’s side of the family is… (Fathers last name) badaligʷəd ti dʔiišəd.