Maria J. L. Rios is the daughter of Wendy A., and Loren G. Martin; and the granddaughter of Francis J. and Anita Sheldon, and Jerry L. Martin and Kathleen Craft. She has known that she wanted to do something productive for her community since she was little. She graduated from Marysville Pilchuck High School in 2009. She is an enrolled Tulalip Tribal member (Snohomish) and has lived on the reservation since she was born. She attended Tulalip Montessori when she was little, and has now come full circle, having taught Lushootseed at the Montessori. She is also an alumni of the Quilceda-Tulalip Elementary, where she currently teaches. She also teaches at the Tulalip Lushootseed Children’s Circle Day Camp, dxʷləšucid sʔəsqaləkʷ ʔə ti wiw̓su.

Maria Rios
Language Teachers
mariarios @
(360) 716-4501

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